Have you eternally queried how to sharpen a machete? Well, I did! The excellent tool requires some sharpening methods to be in excellent shape. As the top-level machetes do not perpetually come with a factory edge, you necessitate to provide it a fine cutting edge as per your requirement. If you are not a professional in that sharpening area, you lack to gather some essential knowledge and experiences on how to sharpen a machete. We will show you step by step on how you can do that. Be ready then!
A machete is a long blade tool, you necessitate to be careful enough before handling it on your own. You lack to know how to apply the best tool sharpeners to provide a fine edge as there are so many kinds of them. There are several sharpeners out there in the store and we will talk about the most popular sharpeners. Let us start then?
How to Sharpen a Machete Perfectly
How to Sharpen a Machete Perfectly
There are several unique tools out there that can be applied for machete sharpening. In this article, we at BestDamascusKnife will talk about how to sharpen a machete with:
1: Honing a Machete With a Belt Sander
The belt sanders are the most popular and simplest way of sharpening a machete. Through this amazing tool, you can simply give your blade a go that will appear in a sharpened machete. A convex sharpening with a service edge can simply be produced if proper procedures are managed all through the sharpening stage. Several specialists consider it the most relaxed way to sharpen a machete. Thee long blade machete, like the katana machete, can be simply sharpened by this.
You just lack to provide a light force and a straight edge is there for you! Just do not overheat your machete when you are moving the blade over the belt. That will injure this best tool sharpeners carbon-steel composition. Also, it is much more comfortable than applying a grinding wheel for your machete. A moderately-priced belt sharpener will be sufficient for your machetes. If you have enough budget to spend on high-end electric sharpeners you should do that.
2: Sharpening a Machete With a Grinder
The grinding wheels are often used when dynamic sharpening is required. This method serves to reduce factory dullness or big nicks. As you require to sharpen your machete with a grinder in one go, the work area requires to be vast enough for you. That will support you to get an even edge.
Additionally, the grinders can make your blade hot if it is performed at a higher rpm. Therefore either you require to operate it at a lower rpm or you require to continuously pour some water on the contacting portions of the tools. Otherwise, it will turn your blade structure into a lower grade. Both of the methods are considerably hard if you are not experienced enough. That is why this method is not ideal between machete users.
3: Sharpening a Machete With a File
For an easy sharpening process, you can try out help from a file. It does not need many ways to get a sharpened blade. Firstly, you require two things for sharpening your machetes, a vice to hold your machete tightly and a file. There are mainly two varieties of files, one is a double cut or rough and the other is a single cut or smooth. What would be the most helpful is a bastard cut which is an intermediary alternative of the two.
Once the machete is tightly held in the holder at the wanted angle, you necessitate pushing the file repeatedly over the blade. Do not forget that you can not pull it rather require to push it. Furthermore, in a backward way, the machete can be drawn upon the file. Once one side is done sharpening, the whole method is repeated on the other side. As files are very small to carry with you in the woods, you can further regain the sharpness of your blade there! This is excellent for sharpening a saw back of machetes like Gerber Gator.
4: Sharpening a Machete With a Dremel
This sharpening method is further very common and simple to undergo. A Dremel is some power tool which is produced handheld owning a rotating sharpener at the end part of its shaft. You additionally require a holder to grip the machete. Then you require to power up the Dremel and run it over the edge of the tool laterally. Once one side is done, you need to repeat it on the other side.
As the sharpening is done by the lateral movement of the sharpener, there is a huge chance that the edges can become uneven. The purpose is that you are not sharpening the whole edge in one go. But for small flaws, this is a very useful way to improve that. That is why this tool is one of the best hand sharpeners and is most suitable when you are providing your machete a slight touch after some heavy uses in the fields.Â
5: Sharpening a Machete With a Whetstone/rock
The method of whetstone/rock is another popular way of sharpening your machetes to produce a polished edge. For this method to work well, you require a whetstone/rock, some water, and a beacon if you are applying the fake stone. Firstly, soak the whetstone into the water for some time. Then you lack to move the blade perpendicularly at an angle from the base of the stone to the tip. You lack to move the blade up and down the stone for some time.
This method does not need a lot of ways and is an easy way to get your blade sharper within some minutes. There are several whetstones out on the market that can be handy. As this process does not need so many tools and methods, it is a common method among the users. In survival conditions, this can hold the edges of your survival machetes.
6: Machete Sharpening Angle
When you are moving to sharpen your machete, you lack to choose the angle very carefully. Because the machete sharpening angle direct changes its fields of production. If the machete is applied for cutting grass and non-woody staffs, then a small sharpening angle is particularly fit for that. An angle of 20 to 25 degrees would be fit for that mission.
And if you require to cut wood branches and thick staffs then a larger angle of 25 to 35 degrees is suggested for a better output. In that case, the machete can use the beating of repeated chopping. Moreover, in case of a smaller angle, you may face difficulty with holding a fine edge as they may get chipped away. Therefore, much attention is required for your blade sharpening angle. The specialists’ opinion always becomes handy to know the must follow methods for your security.
How To Sharpen A Machete: 5 Actions To Follow
How To Sharpen A Machete – 5 Actions To Follow
Now that you understand your various tool options,
you are ready to learn how to sharpen a machete. The entire process is simple to learn by following simple steps.
STEP 1: Get The Motion Down
Despite the tool you apply, you will transfer the machete over the tool in the corresponding motion. Begin at the hilt and run the blade down to the tip. You will need to follow the normal curve of the blade. Don not be shocked if you have to lean your body forward to reach this curve.
If you need a specific angle, set the blade in a holder so you get the wanted look.Â
STEP 2: Turn Sides
Sharpening a blade does not just include sharpening the side you are likely cutting with. You should further sharpen the other side. Flip over the machete and watch the same motion down the other side.
If you are a beginner or you do not use your machete frequently, you can hop this step. That is because sharpening this side is a little different. The top side does not have as much of a curve, meaning you have to sharpen it individually.
Honing the top side may need some time to get used to it. But sharpening them less aggressive side results in a specific and even blade.
STEP 3: Sharpen The Edge
Sharpening the edge provides your machete a fine, sharp point. This motion is simple. Begin at the edge and move down slightly from the tip, just concentrating on bringing your machete to a nice point.
STEP 4: Polishing The Edge
This step is not mandatory but it is important.
The only downside of sharping a machete is sometimes the method leaves defects. You can eliminate these imperfections by polishing the machete, especially the edge. The most reliable way to polish the machete is with a buffing wheel.
Put the edge of the machete flat on the buffing wheel and move the machete perpendicular over the wheel. Do this on both sides of the machete.
STEP 5: Inspect The Blade
Now arises the enjoyable part! You will need to examine the machete to assure the blade is sharp sufficient. The most reliable way to test a machete is by cutting a 2×4. Notice if you can cut the 2×4 in half.
If no, try the paper trick. Run a piece of paper with the machete’s edge. If it drags the paper rather than slicing it, you will require to sharpen your machete even more.
Apply your favoured tool and redo steps 1 to 4. You can additionally use a diamond stone that can sharpen the blade and edge even more.
How To Sharpen A Machete: Time To Get Started
Do you instantly know how to sharpen a machete? The method is simpler than you would assume. First, take your desired tool. Then, set up your knife and start sharpening it. Sharpen both sides of the knife and the tip.
If needed, polish the knife before trying it out. From here, place your machete through a few tests and see if it is sharp enough. Examples include cutting a 2×4 and the paper test. If it is not sharp enough, redo the steps over again.
Cautions while sharpening
- Â Cover your hands with protecting gloves when sharpening your machete. This might not be necessary, but you can reduce the possibility of cuts in your hand.
- Put on thicker gloves composed of leather materials. This will guard you against an irregular cut.
- Never sharpen your machete with the sharp edge facing your body. Perpetually hold your machete the proper way shown in the direction above.
- Your dormant hand should hold the handle of your tool securely, while the other hand supports the edge of the tool. This will reduce the chance of an accident.
- Lock your stone tight on the worktop to withdraw slip. Loose stone can easily slide as you grind your machete.
- Make certain that the stone is tightly held, and do not force it to slip. If the stone slips your machete is possible to bounce on your body.
- Do not be in a rush when grinding your machete. You can simply encounter an accident. You can simply bypass the accident if your speed is moderate, and you are alert.
- Â It is advisable to apply your protecting glass to stop metallic particles from risking your eyes.
- Do not grind your machete near the tools as the metal fillings might infect your plates.
- Do not sharpen your machete with a child near you. Most children are simple, and can simply endanger their lives unknowingly.
- Use the proper honing oils for lubrication. Some oils might dry up your whetstone, and this can create friction which might appear in an accident. Too much friction can further cause a tear on the stone, and the blade as well.
The astonishing thing about sharpening your blade is that you will learn your unique methods when you are doing it over and over again. The laws are not set on how to sharpen a machete as you begin your way. Aside from the basics, you can examine to explore to know the most reliable and most comfortable way to sharpen a machete. And, never forget to clean your blade after every use.